2022 Initial MDEP Permit Application
If you see anything in Town of an environmental concern such as a spill, illicit discharge, illegal dumping, etc. please call the Hampden Public Works IDDE HOTLINE at 862-3337
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a “Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4)”?
An MS4 is a conveyance or system of conveyances that is:
a. Owned by a state, city, town, village, or other public entity that discharges to waters of the Commonwealth;
b. Designed or used to collect or convey stormwater (including storm drains, pipes, ditches, etc.);
c. Not a combined sewer; and
d. Not part of a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (sewage treatment plant)
An MS4 is a conveyance or system of conveyances that is:
a. Owned by a state, city, town, village, or other public entity that discharges to waters of the Commonwealth;
b. Designed or used to collect or convey stormwater (including storm drains, pipes, ditches, etc.);
c. Not a combined sewer; and
d. Not part of a Publicly Owned Treatment Works (sewage treatment plant)
What is Stormwater?
Stormwater is the runoff water that is created after rainfall or snowmelt events and often picks up and carries pollutants from the surfaces it runs over on its way to our rivers and streams. These surfaces include streets, parking lots, rooftops, lawns- just about any surface one could imagine. Each surface can contain a variety of pollutants, from sand, salt, oil to cigarette butts to pet waste and fertilizer.
Stormwater is the runoff water that is created after rainfall or snowmelt events and often picks up and carries pollutants from the surfaces it runs over on its way to our rivers and streams. These surfaces include streets, parking lots, rooftops, lawns- just about any surface one could imagine. Each surface can contain a variety of pollutants, from sand, salt, oil to cigarette butts to pet waste and fertilizer.
Why do we care about stormwater?
The pollutants mentioned above are all things that we do not want in our waterways because they adversely affect water quality. These pollutants discharge untreated directly into the same waterways that we use for swimming, fishing, and drinking.
What can we do about stormwater?
The town participates in the Bangor Area StormWater Group, a regional group focused on reducing the effects of stormwater in the greater Bangor area. All of the entities involved in this group are required to be involved per state and federal laws. The group works to educate the general public about the effects of stormwater and encourages people to be conscious of the effects of their pet wastes left on the ground or the fertilizers they use on their lawn, for example. The group provides information on safer alternatives such as picking up the pet waste and using safer, chemical-free lawn maintenance techniques that really do work.
Where in Hampden would I find stormwater?
Stormwater is everywhere in Hampden. Under state and federal laws, however, there is a designated section of Hampden that has stricter stormwater mitigation requirements, and this area is called our Urban Area. This area is bounded on the west by Route 202 and Mayo Road, and is bounded to the east by the Penobscot River. North to south it is bounded by Reeds Brook and the Pleasant Street neighborhood up to the Maine Central Railroad and the Bangor Line. This area is displayed on the map provided, "Urbanized Area & Impaired Watersheds." The map also shows the urban impaired watersheds in Hampden, which includes Patten Pond, Hermon Pond, and Shaw Brook. The two ponds are lakes most at risk of impairment from development, while Shaw Brook is a fully designated urban impaired watershed.
What is an urban impaired waterbody?
An urban impaired waterbody is one that does not meet basic minimum requirements for water quality due to pollutants affecting the stream from urban activities. On the map "Urbanized Area & Impaired Watersheds" one can see the impaired waterbodies in Hampden that are currently fully designated as at-risk or urban impaired. The state stormwater program has asked us to determine our most at-risk watershed, and that is the watershed of Sucker Brook, which is displayed on the map "Sucker Brook Watershed." This stream has been assessed by the DEP as not meeting water quality requirements, and in the near future may become a fully designated urban impaired stream. When waterbodies become designated as urban impaired, there are even stricter requirements for what can and cannot occur in that watershed.
The pollutants mentioned above are all things that we do not want in our waterways because they adversely affect water quality. These pollutants discharge untreated directly into the same waterways that we use for swimming, fishing, and drinking.
What can we do about stormwater?
The town participates in the Bangor Area StormWater Group, a regional group focused on reducing the effects of stormwater in the greater Bangor area. All of the entities involved in this group are required to be involved per state and federal laws. The group works to educate the general public about the effects of stormwater and encourages people to be conscious of the effects of their pet wastes left on the ground or the fertilizers they use on their lawn, for example. The group provides information on safer alternatives such as picking up the pet waste and using safer, chemical-free lawn maintenance techniques that really do work.
Where in Hampden would I find stormwater?
Stormwater is everywhere in Hampden. Under state and federal laws, however, there is a designated section of Hampden that has stricter stormwater mitigation requirements, and this area is called our Urban Area. This area is bounded on the west by Route 202 and Mayo Road, and is bounded to the east by the Penobscot River. North to south it is bounded by Reeds Brook and the Pleasant Street neighborhood up to the Maine Central Railroad and the Bangor Line. This area is displayed on the map provided, "Urbanized Area & Impaired Watersheds." The map also shows the urban impaired watersheds in Hampden, which includes Patten Pond, Hermon Pond, and Shaw Brook. The two ponds are lakes most at risk of impairment from development, while Shaw Brook is a fully designated urban impaired watershed.
What is an urban impaired waterbody?
An urban impaired waterbody is one that does not meet basic minimum requirements for water quality due to pollutants affecting the stream from urban activities. On the map "Urbanized Area & Impaired Watersheds" one can see the impaired waterbodies in Hampden that are currently fully designated as at-risk or urban impaired. The state stormwater program has asked us to determine our most at-risk watershed, and that is the watershed of Sucker Brook, which is displayed on the map "Sucker Brook Watershed." This stream has been assessed by the DEP as not meeting water quality requirements, and in the near future may become a fully designated urban impaired stream. When waterbodies become designated as urban impaired, there are even stricter requirements for what can and cannot occur in that watershed.
For the Bangor Area Storm Water Group (BASWG) monthly meeting agenda, see below or follow this link to their website.
Trees Tame Stormwater - interactive poster and links to download posters!