Stormwater Planning & Permitting on Western Ave Municipal Properties
The Hampden Town Council recognizes the need for additional parking to adequately serve the current youth recreation athletic fields located at the Western Avenue municipal site. Before additional parking may be added, the Town is required to follow the State of Maine's Department of Environmental Protection Site Law stormwater management permit process.
To address this need, the Town has issued a Request for Qualifications to select a consultant to assist the Town in obtaining the required permitting needed to provide additional parking.
Background & Previous Planning Activities
The 2015 Hampden Recreation Plan prioritizes the need for land for additional playing fields, development of additional fields, and increased parking at the Western Avenue municipal site.
The Town initiated a process in 2016 for the analysis of the State of Maine mandated stormwater management, and related environmental permitting, on the existing Municipal Building, Post Office and Lura Hoit Pool properties. This process and permitting is required before any additional parking capacity may be added. It has been determined that additional parking is necessary to fully utilize the existing athletic fields, and before any potential additional recreational fields or supporting maintenance or restroom facilities may be added.
In the Spring of 2017 the Town evaluated the site and a significant amount of preliminary analysis and conceptual planning was completed by the Town's on-call Engineer, Woodard & Curran. Various concepts were presented in August, with public discussion of the benefits and challenges for each and the consultant team presented a revised site concept in September of last year; however, the permitting process was not completed at that time. Several of these presentations are available for viewing below.
The original process led to lively discussions about the level of development on this site. As the planning process continues the Council will seek public input and engage the Hampden community regarding how and when to proceed with future development. Previously presented concepts continue to be dependent upon future discussions and decisions, including:
- Whether current uses will be expanded, and/or new uses added?
- If so, what uses (i.e. ballfields, access roads/paths, concession stand, public restrooms, etc.)?
- How would any work be phased, and over what time period?
- How would any costs be financed, and over what time period?
The Hampden Town Council will ultimately determine whether any improvements will be proposed, taking into account the Town's Recreation Department needs, goals and policy objectives, site development feasibility, costs, funding opportunities and public participation and guidance.
Background regarding work to date on this initiative is included in the documents below. This initiative was also discussed at meetings of the Town Council Services Committee - and reflected in the minutes of meetings held on August 8, 2016; September 12, 2016; January 9, 2017; February 13, 2017; April 10, 2017; May 8, 2017; June 12, 2017; August 14, 2017; September 11, 2017; October 10, 2017; December 11, 2017; January 8, 2018; February 12, 2018; March 12, 2018; July 18, 2018 and August 12, 2018.
All Services Committee meeting materials and packets can be found online: www.hampdenmaine.gov/services.