Hampden Public Safety - Police, Fire, EMS & Code
106 Western Avenue, Hampden, ME 04444
Phone: 207-862-4000
Fax: 207-862-4588
Emergency Dial 9-1-1
Chief Christian D. Bailey
Director of Public Safety
Click Here for Online Burn Permits
Click Here for Code Enforcement Permits
Hampden Public Safety provides police, fire, emergency medical, and code enforcement services for the residents of Hampden. In April of 2019, Joseph L. Rogers retired (effective May 1, 2019) after 32 years of dedicated service. On April 16, 2019, Christian D. Bailey, a 27-year veteran of the Hampden Police Department, was named our second ever public safety director. Scott Webber, a 28-year veteran of the Hampden Police Department, was also sworn in as Deputy Chief of the police department.
In 1994, Hampden's police chief at the time, Joseph L. Rogers, was named Director of Public Safety; and Hampden Public Safety was born. The initial transition to public safety was far from perfect. The traditional roles of firefighters and police officers were turned upside down. Firefighters were required to become certified as emergency medical technicians and police officers were required to respond to and trained to assist at all fire and EMS calls. At the same time, the town began operating an ambulance service, which also fell under the leadership of Director Rogers. In 2002, an addition to the municipal building was completed, which allowed personnel and apparatus from all departments to be housed together in one central location, and we remain there today.
We are fortunate to have a unique, positive, expertly trained first responders in Hampden. We've become a strong, united team committed to delivering the highest-quality progressive services in a proud, professional manner.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us at 862-4000.