Civic & Volunteer Organizations
American Legion Post #213 The American Legion is the nation’s largest wartime veteran’s service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities and promoting continued devotion to our fellow service members and veterans. American Legion Post 213 programs and activities include Flag Day; Children’s Day; and sponsorship of a JR Shooting Program. The Legion donates at the local, state and national levels to help veterans and their families during times of need and to provide college scholarships. For more information on becoming a member or volunteering, please contact William Siemerling, at 41 Canoe Club Rd., Hampden or 570-6825. |
Hampden Farmers' Market The Hampden Farmers’ Market’s mission is to provide a year round farmers’ market that allows the greater Hampden community to support local farmers and artisans while nourishing their families with the best produce and goods possible. Join us every Friday from 2–5:30 p.m. to celebrate what we have to offer! Located in the Hampden Town Office parking lot May 19 – Oct. 13th and at the Kiwanis Civic Center Oct. 20 – April 27. |
Scout Troop 41 Troop 41 meets every Wednesday night at Goodwill Riders Snowmobile Club, 844 Western Ave Welcoming Boy and Girl members Like us on Facebook
If you have any questions, please call Scoutmaster Dan Madore, at 781-405-3817 |
Hampden Garden Club The Hampden Garden Club first began to use Harmony Hall for their meetings in 1937, and since then have preserved and maintained the historic building which is an excellent venue for the club’s many activities. Club members keep busy all year with projects which benefit the members and the community. In spring, work centers around the annual Perennial Plant and Pie Sale fundraiser. The club holds monthly meetings open to the public, and new members of all ages and abilities are welcome at any time. |
Edythe Dyer Library Board of Trustees The Library Board of Trustees is advisory and members are appointed by the Town Council. The Board has the responsibility to give input into the library’s planning process, policy setting, and marketing plan. The most important role is to be a strong advocate for the Library. Currently the Board meets the second Wednesdays of September, November, January, March, and May at 7:30 am. Contact: Mary Beckett at 862-3550 |
Hampden Historical Society The Hampden Historical Society is dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the culture and heritage of the Town of Hampden. We support this mission through public cultural, arts and educational programs; curating an archival repository of documents and artifacts; operating a museum on the Martin Kinsley House property; promoting the preservation of historic and culturally significant buildings and sites; and partnering with local and regional cultural, arts and educational institutions.The Hampden Historical Society is dedicated to the history, culture, and heritage of the Town of Website: |
Gateway Seniors Without Walls Gateway Seniors Without Walls is a charitable organization and an Affiliate of the University of Maine Center on Aging. We currently serve older people in the Greater Bangor area, from as far away as Bucksport, Winterport, Dedham, and Ellsworth. There are no membership fees or exclusions; everyone is welcome! Our primary mission is to expand and publicize activities and services for seniors. Service projects include publishing the Senior Yellow Pages, a comprehensive manual of services for seniors in Greater Bangor. For more information: Telephone: 889-3031 Mailing: 9 Chestnut Ct., Orono ME 04473 Websites:; |
Hampden Key Club Key Club is an international student-led organization whose members provide service, build character and develop leadership. Key Club is devoted to helping its home, school and community, while having tons of fun! Key Club works closely with the Hampden Kiwanis. Key Club meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday in Hampden Academy Room 216. For more information, please contact Debbie Daigle at Hampden Academy, 862-7321 or |
Girl Scouts of Maine - 22 Carat Group With Girl Scouts of Maine, almost 9,000 girls from across the state are reaching their fullest potential! Our girls are discovering what’s important to them, connecting with their community, and taking action to make the world a better place. If you are interested in finding out more about Girl Scouts of Maine, 22 Carat Group, please contact Alison Erickson at the local Service Center at 989-7474 |
Hampden Kiwanis The Hampden Kiwanis Club is looking for new members to continue to volunteer and provide for the children of Hampden and the world! Our regular meetings are every Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. at the Kiwanis Civic Center, 55 Main Road North. We host a bean supper on the first Saturday of the month. For information on the programs we support, please contact Buzz Frost at 745-8393. |
Good Shepherd Food Bank Good Shepherd Food Bank is the largest hunger relief organization in Maine and provides for those at risk of hunger including distributing to more than 400 partner agencies (including the Hampden Neighborhood Food Cupboard). In 2016, Good Shepherd Food Bank distributed over 21 million meals to families, children and seniors in need throughout Maine. Volunteers are a vital part of our work and are used in a variety of ways including sorting and inspecting food donations and maintenance of the facility. Our Hampden warehouse hours are M–Th, 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and Friday from 7:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Extended evening and Saturday hours can be arranged to accommodate volunteer groups of 10 or more. For more information: Lyndon Hopkins, Warehouse Manager, 989-4672 11 Penobscot Meadow Drive, Hampden |
Hampden Neighborhood Food Cupboard The Mission of the Hampden Neighborhood Food Cupboard is to provide food and personal items for those in need in our community. Located in the Hampden Congregational Church at 101 Main Road North, the Food Cupboard is open every Wednesday from 10-11:30 AM; and Wednesday from 4:30- 6:00pm. Donations of food and personal care items may be dropped off at the church anytime in the right side entrance. Contact: Sue at 862-5248 Email: |
Goodwill Riders Snowmobile Club The Goodwill Riders Snowmobile Club, located on Western Avenue (Route 9) welcomes all residents and non-residents to become a member and join a group of people who work hard on maintaining 37 miles of trails that access our neighboring clubs, and connect us with Newburgh, Hermon, Bangor and Winterport for the enjoyment of winter recreation. Volunteer support for trail and bridge maintenance, grooming trails at our monthly Bean Supper will be welcomed! Point of Contact: Rich Armstrong, President For more information about Goodwill Riders, please call 848-7300. |
Hampden Seniors Club The Hampden Seniors meet the first Monday of month at Kiwanis, dues are just $10/year. We currently have about 25 members and are hoping to gain some new members.Meeting begins at noon. Bring a bag lunch. For more information: Nancy Brown, President 989-4080 or Tim Cameron, Vice President 848-3506. |
Hampden Area Diversity This group creates a safe online community to increase cultural and social awareness and encourage a positive, safe and nurturing environment for all to share. For more information contact Sarah Novak, 862-3119. |
Mystic Lodge #65 Mystic Lodge #65 holds their regular meeting every month on the third Tuesday beginning at 7:30 p.m.. Contact: Dave Higgins 356-7305 |
Eastern Area Agency on Aging Community Cafe
Thursdays 11:30 AM Hampden Kiwanis Hall $4 per meal for seniors 207-862-5668
Reeds Brook Trails Project Located in the heart of Hampden, Maine, this is a collaborative effort between community volunteers, members of the Penobscot Valley Ski Club, Troop 41 Boy Scouts, and RSU 22. Our mission is to provide accessible multipurpose four-season recreational trails for all members of the greater Hampden community. We welcome all non-motorized activity including skiing, running, biking, walking, and snowshoeing. Additional information can be found on our website: Facebook: Peter Buzzini, Reeds Brook Trails, 318-3772 |
Hampden Children's Day Committee A wonderful day of activities for the children of Hampden. For more information contact Janet Hughes at 768-1396. Volunteers are needed for planning and committee work, and for the activities during Children’s Day |
RSU-22 Education Foundation The overall mission of the Foundation is to support innovation in District schools through fundraising, engaging volunteers, and building an endowment. Some Education Foundations offer mini-grants to teachers, run scholarship programs and manage alumni relations. Our Foundation is in the process of deciding what to focus on. We are led by a board of directors who represent Hampden, Winterport and Newburgh. If you are interested in ways to become a sponsor of local education, please call 862-2811. email: |
Teach/Learn/Support TEACH/LEARN/SUPPORT is a coalition of community members and teachers in RSU-22. The main purpose behind this group is to create open communication between the community, teachers, and the school district in an effort to continue providing a strong public education in RSU-22 by organizing opportunities for community members and teachers to work together with the goal of creating a supportive environment for strengthening education, fostering a sense of community through volunteer opportunities, and working together to strengthen education in RSU-22. Contact Michele Metzler at 862-3791. |
Whitcomb-Baker VFW Post 4633 Our Mission: To foster camaraderie among United States veterans of overseas conflicts. To serve our veterans, the military, and our communities. To advocate on behalf of all veterans. Throughout the year we sponsor several activates and groups to promote patriotism in our community. At this time we are sponsoring a Venture Crew 1776 for the Boy Scouts, the local little league, participation in Children’s Day, aid to the local food pantry, and the Memorial Day parade. On Friday nights, we open up our post to the community for a fun night of Bingo which starts at 6 p.m. and goes till 9 p.m. During the year we have fundraisers to help our local veterans. These include our Mother’s Day breakfast, Hunter’s Breakfast, and our annual Hot Rod Car Show. These are great opportunities for post members to connect and meet with the community. Whitcomb-Baker Post 4633 meets the first Wednesday of every month. Prior to the meeting we provide members, guest speakers, and family of members, supper at 6:30 p.m. and then the meeting for members starts at 7:30 p.m. 41 Canoe Club Road, P.O. Box 555 Hampden, ME 04444-0555 862-2553 • Lynsie Lundstrom, Commander |
Wreaths Across America Each December on National Wreaths Across America Day, our mission to Remember, Honor and Teach is carried out by coordinating wreath-laying ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery, as well as at more than 2,500 additional locations in all 50 U.S. states, at sea and abroad.