Historical Information
The John Hampden Society was formed in 1992 to honour the 17th centuryEnglish parliamentarian after whom the town of Hampden was named in 1794. In August 1994 eight members of the Society were guests at the Bicentennial Celebrations, and strong links have been forged between Hampden Historical Society and the John Hampden Society.
John Hampden became famous for opposing King Charles I's illegal Ship Money tax, and was one of the architects of parliamentary democracy in England. Hampden (Maine) is one of a dozen towns throughout the world named after the man known to history as 'The Patriot'.
Dorothea Lynde Dix (1802-1887)
Born in Hampden. Maine in 1802, DOROTHEA DIX established her own school for young children at the age of 14 and continued to teach into her twenties. Dix is best remembered, though, as a social and political activist whose work on behalf of the mentally ill precipitated major prison reform beginning in the 1840's.
Hannibal Hamlin (1809-1891)
Admitted to the Bar in 1833 and began to practice law in Hampden. He entered politics as a Jacksonian Democrat, serving in the Maine House of Representatives, the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
Elected the first Republican Governor of Maine in 1857. His highest office was as Abraham Lincoln's vice president from 1860 to 1864.
Hamlin's law office, which was situated at Hampden's Upper Corner (on land currently owned by Fresh Ginger Chinese Restaurant in the Hannibal Hamlin Shopping Plaza) was moved to the grounds of Hampden Historical Society in June, 1987.
For more information on U.S. Vice President Hannibal Hamlin or Hampden History, please contact Friends of Hamlin,
205 Western Avenue, Hampden, Maine 04444; Phone (207) 862-3633; email: snewcomb@midmaine.com