Board of Appeals
The Town of Hampden has adopted a Board of Appeals Ordinance that provides a framework for appeals of the following ordinances: Building Code, Fire Prevention Code, Floodplain Management Ordinance, Historic Preservation Ordinance, Life Safety Code Ordinance, Mobile Home Park Ordinance, Residential Building Code Ordinance, Special Amusement Ordinance and Zoning Ordinance.
With regard to the Zoning Ordinance the Board of Appeals (formerly known as the Zoning Board of Appeals) has the authority to review certain decisions of both the Code Enforcement Officer and the Planning Board and to remedy contradictions within the Zoning Ordinance (See Article 6, Appeals) as Administrative Appeals. The Board of Appeals can also consider adjustments to certain dimensional standards as either General Variances, Dimensional Variances, or Disability Variances. The Board of Appeals lacks the authority to waive other zoning standards to make adjustments to standards such as permitted or conditional uses and other zoning rules.
The Board is comprised of 5 regular members and 1alternates appointed by the Town Council to three-year terms.
Current Members (term expiry date):
Neale Adams (2026)
Danielle Simons (2026)
Geoffrey Low (2025)
Craig Pederson (2026)
Alternate Members (term expiry date):