Download Hampden GIS Data
In an effort to make our GIS data more readily accessible and available in the digital age, I am sharing it on our website as space allows.
Metadata: We do not have it, yet. We make no guarantees as to the accuracy or precision of our data. The following disclaimer applies to all of our data.
DISCLAIMER: All GIS information from the Town of Hampden is provided as a copy of a public record in accordance with the Maine Freedom of Access Act. The Town of Hampden, and its officers, officials, employees, contractors, or agents, make absolutely no representation or warranty concerning the information, or its use for any purpose whatsoever. Any use or dissemination of, or reliance on, the information shall be at the sole risk of the recipient. Please be advised that once the information has been provided by the Town to the initial recipient, it is no longer a public record within the control of the Town, and the information may be altered or manipulated by others with GIS software.
To use these data, you need a GIS software program.
All of our maps are created with but are made available here in shapefile (.shp) and AutoCAD 2004 drawing (.dwg) formats.
All layers are in projection UTM, Zone 19 and datum NAD83.
Contact me with any questions!
We have many more available, but as of right now, the layers online that can be downloaded are: