Domestic Violence
It’s the Law
Police may arrest without a warrant if they have reason to believe that assault, criminal threatening, terrorizing, reckless conduct and/or criminal mischief involving family or household members have occurred. Police must arrest if they have reason to believe there has been a violation of a protective order or an aggravated assault to a family or household member.
Maine law requires that police stay with you as long as they think you are in danger of physical abuse and help you get medical attention if necessary.
Most criminal charges for the Town of Hampden are prosecuted by the Penobscot County District Attorney’s Office located at 97 Hammond Street Bangor, Maine. If you have questions regarding a domestic violence case, you can call the Hampden Police Department at 862-4000 or a Victim Witness Advocate for the District Attorney’s Office at 942-8552 or 1-800-696-5404.
There is help available.
Below are some links that you may find helpful. You may complete the application for a protection order directly in this fillable form, or print the blank form and complete it by hand. Attach additional pages if necessary to adequately explain your situation and describe the circumstances.
You must submit the application and the service information form directly to a court clerk. A Judge will review your application as soon as possible.