This map shows the study area.

Town Center Project


The Town Center Project is a neighborhood planning exercise in where we gathered input from residents and businesses to guide future changes to the zoning ordinance as well as future improvements to infrastructure - particularly sidewalks, crosswalks, and pedestrian amenities such as benches, landscaping, and lighting - to establish the area as a central destination in Hampden. This phase of the project is now complete and we are moving into the implementation phase with zoning amendments and planning for any infrastructure improvements to follow over the next decade. 


There were three public meetings as part of this project:

  • Meeting 1: July 31, 2018 at 6:00 PM started the dialogue and gathered input on a number of issues 
  • Meeting 2: September 25, 2018 at 6:00 PM reviewed the assessment of the input from the first meeting together with the physical characteristics of the area, and discussed strategies including potential zoning changes and physical improvements to the infrastructure in the area
  • Meeting 3: December 11, 2018 at 6:00 PM where participants helped to prioritize the recommendations and implementation strategies identified during the previous meetings. 


The final plan is available below, along with consultant Ben Smith's final presentation which was made to Town Council on April 1, 2019.


This project is headed by Town Planner Karen Cullen, with substantial support from Planner Ben Smith of North Star Planning. For additional information, contact Karen at 862-4500.  


Additional information may be posted on this site as implementation progresses, so please visit from time to time.