Environmental Trust map - Hampden GIS - 2016
Map prepared to generally illustrate the geographic area within which Environmental Trust - Principal funds may be allocated for eligible purposes.

Environmental Trust Committee


  • Ken White, Chair  (2027)
  • William J. Lippincott, Vice Chair  (2028)
  • John Swalec, No Exp-Councilor

Eligible Purposes, Environmental Trust Funds

The Trust Indenture, Hampden Environmental Trust establishes eligible expenses for Trust Income and Principal, as follows:


  • Principal funds may be expended in the vicinity of the Pine Tree Landfill for "Air and Water Quality Protection" defined (in the Trust Indenture) as "(A) any measure to provide alternate domestic water supply, air or ground water quality protection or improvement, or protection or improvement of surface waters in the area of Emerson Mill Road, Paper Mill Road, Old Cold Brook Road, Cold Brook Road, or Souadabscook Stream; and (B) the costs of administrative and personnel expenses of the Town in monitoring and overseeing significant environmental issues affecting the Town."
  • Interest income may be expended “to preserve and protect the environment in the Town of Hampden, including funding such environmental study, testing, protection, preservation, and remediation measures as the Individual Trustees, in their discretion, direct.”


Expenditures from the Environmental Trust require majority approval of the Environmental Trust Committee, and by the Town Council.  The Environmental Trust Committee meets on a quarterly basis unless an environmental issue requires more immediate attention.  For more information, contact the Town Manager.

Meeting Agenda for Landfill Site Visit - Environmental Trust - 5-17-18 Note: Location of meeting at Casella Office, Pine Tree Landfill, 358 Emerson Mill Road
Last updated Thursday, January 23, 2025